Connecting You to the Job Seekers




        Federal & State Program to Increase Profits




        Welcome to The Workforce Development Board

        To pre-register please click the link:

        American Dream Flyer 翻国外的app

        The Workforce Development Board of Passaic County (WDB) is dedicated to supporting workforce and economic development by connecting Passaic County New Jersey residents to jobs and ensuring that employers have the skilled workers they need to grow, compete, and prosper. Created pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), the WDB's role is to ensure that optimal investments are made in Passaic County to support workforce development, training, and job preparation for residents. The WDB also engages businesses to link the services of the local workforce system with the needs of employers within the county.

        To successfully accomplish this, the WDB:

        • Oversees WIOA funds by driving investments based on industry needs.
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        • Creates forums for analyzing and discussing critical workforce issues to determine the best implementation strategies.
        • Partners with State and Local elected officials to ensure the WDB's efforts are aligned with county goals.
        • Conducts labor market analysis to better assess labor demand and to advocate for employer and job-seeker needs.
        • Ensures system accountability.

        通过什么软件可众翻到国外 To connect Skilled Labor and Quality Education with Industry Demand to build a workforce investment system that promotes a competitive atmosphere and empowers all concerned parties to be successful in the 21st-century environment.

        Mission Statement: To provide leadership and direction while leveraging opportunities for Passaic County employers to grow and for job seekers to pn软件 toward meaningful employment.


        Strategic Plan

        Click Here to submit comments and feedback on the WDB's Strategic Plan


        North Jersey Partners Regional Plan

        翻PN软件 to submit comments and feedback on the North Jersey Partners Regional Plan


        By providing your email and joining the WDB, you will be notified regarding current State and Federal programs that can save your business money, and help you hire great employees. We look forward to working with you in our community.

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